MH370: Teenage boys sue Malaysia Airlines after father presumed dead in crash

Oct 31, 2014

The lawsuit is thought to be the first from any member of family affected by the crash

Two Malaysian boys are suing their country's government and Malaysia Airlines over the loss of their father who disappeared on tragic flight MH370 .

Jee Kinson, 13, and Jee Kinland, 11, have accused the airline of causing them mental distress and are seeking damages for loss of support following the disappearance of their father, Jee Jing Hang.

The lawsuit was filed at a Malaysian court today, and accuses the airline of breach of contract, arguing the beleaguered firm failed in its contractual duty to deliver the father to his destination.

Getty MH370
Search: Co-pilot and squadron leader Brett McKenzie helps to look for objects

The young boys are also suing the Malaysian government, civil aviation authorities, immigration department and air force for negligence

In a statement, the family's legal team said: "Our clients are after the truth. We have confidence in our judiciary system that this suit will be heard and dealt with fairly."

Gary Chong, the lawyer representing the two boys, said the family, which is the first to take legal action over the MH370 disaster, would seek damages but declined to say how much.

The Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 aircraft disappeared while flying from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing on March 8 this year.

M/V Fugro Equator

None of the 239 passengers or crew have ever been found, and experts believe it plunged into the Indian Ocean.

A massive ocean bed search has so far proved fruitless, but recently experts warned that this could all be in vain as the plane may have crashed elsewhere.

In a report by the Australian Transport Safety Bureau's, boffins also concluded that the plane spiralled to the water after running out of fuel.

Getty A Malaysia Airlines plane prepares for landing
Tragic: 239 people died in the plane crash

A new search is currently being done by A fleet of vessels with high-tech equipment including sonar and video cameras, but experts have warned this could take up to a year.

The airline also has been hammered by the loss in July of flight MH17, shot down over Ukraine with the loss of 298 lives, and is in dire financial straits as business has dried up.

A state-linked investment fund has directly taken over the airline as part of a rescue plan.

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Getty A Malaysia Airlines plane prepares for landing
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