Motorist who drove fake police car with flashing lights and siren fined by court

Oct 31, 2014

Michael Allen claims he was "done up like a kipper" after being arrested but police later found cop clothing, a baton, a ballistic vest and some handcuffs at his home


A man who was caught driving a fake police car with blue flashing lights and a siren was fined in court yesterday.

Part-time actor Michael Allen, 35, was spotted in the modified Volvo - which was to be used in one of his films - by an off-duty officer.

The vehicle had police markings on the bonnet, rear window and rear bumper that were "crossed out" with black tape.

Allen was tracked down and when police searched his home they found two ex-police fleeces, a police baton, a ballistic vest and some handcuffs.

SWNS Michael Allen's police vehicle
Fake: The police car had police markings on its bonnet and rear

He admitted using a vehicle fitted with a blue beacon and siren and was fined £100.

After the hearing he said: "It all seemed very petty to me. I was told by other people in the industry that it would be compliant if the police markings were covered.

"I was hauled before a court at the cost of thousands to the taxpayer kept in custody for 14 hours and all for what in the end - a minor road traffic offence.

"I would have made the alterations if they would have asked me, I've been done up like a kipper.

"It was a film prop. It wasn't like I was driving around pulling people over or speeding along on blue lights to try and beat the traffic. I am not happy about the situation at all."

SWNS Michael Allen, 35, leaving Northampton Magistrates Court
Kipper: Michael Allen argued the case was a waste of time and resources

Allen was pulled over in his home town of Northampton on May 11 this year.

Northampton Magistrates' Court heard his car "was not being driven in a manner that would reflect well on the police force".

When interviewed Allen told officers he had bought the Volvo for £1,700 from the Gumtree website and had got the other equipment off eBay.

Prosecutor Julie Costello said Allen used the former South Yorkshire Police vehicle and equipment for films he appeared in - including one called Enemy of England.

SWNS Michael Allen's police vehicle
Siren: The car had flashing lights and a siren

She said: "Mr Allen also worked as a security dog handler and he purchased the vehicle because it was the right size.

"Through his business CMP Lighting Solutions he provided amber lights and blue lights to get the vehicle used in film work."

Allen believed the lights were legal because they could only be operated from the boot.

Paul Harkins, defending, said: "This case is very novel, very unusual. Cases like this don't appear in court very often.

"The 'blues and twos' could not be operated from within the vehicle but only from the boot. He did not believe he was contravening any laws."

SWNS Michael Allen's police vehicle
Modified: The Volvo had been adapted for a role in a film
SWNS Michael Allen's police vehicle
SWNS Michael Allen, 35, leaving Northampton Magistrates Court
SWNS Michael Allen's police vehicle
SWNS Michael Allen's police vehicle
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