Amazing beatboxing BABY aged sixteen months is set for viral video stardom

Nov 2, 2014

Dad starts his own sound by pouting his lips and clicking with his teeth - then talented tot follows suit

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This incredible baby has learnt how to beatbox despite being just sixteen MONTHS old.

An adorable clip, filmed in Switzerland, shows the talented tot spring a beat to make most rappers envious.

In the video, the child's father is seen starting his own sound by pouting his lips and clicking with his teeth.

All smiles: The toddler has a natural knack for making music

Then seconds later the tot tries to make her own music by blowing raspberries - and seems to have some natural talent too.

Beatboxing is a global music trend where people try to create drum-based backing tracks using only their mouth.

But he's not the first baby to try his hand at it - watch the clip below for more laughs.

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