Baby otter set to become internet star with cute video settling into its new home

Nov 6, 2014

An aquarium in Chicago has filmed the pup as it gets used to its new surroundings - and it's adorable

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A baby otter is making waves on the internet in an incredibly cute video that looks set to go viral.

You may not have known how much you needed to see an otter pup swimming, but the team at Shedd Aquarium certainly did.

The Chicago-based aquarium has welcomed this little fellow to their facilities and now you can welcome the pup into your heart. You're welcome.

Pup 681, the name the otter was given, was discovered orphaned on a California beach in late September weighing a mere 1kg.

YouTube/Shedd Aquarium Pup 681 was filmed being welcomed into its new home in Chicago
Pup 681 was filmed being welcomed into its new home in Chicago

After some much-needed rehabilitation, Shedd accepted a California aquarium’s invitation to take care of the pup full time.

Tim Binder, vice president of Animal Collections for Shedd, said: “It truly takes a village to rehabilitate a young sea otter. Our animal care team is teaching the pup how to be an otter."

In the cute clip the tiny pup swims on its back, has a drink of milk, squeaks adorably and just generally looks REALLY cute - especially with its fluffy fur.

Cue the 'ahh's....

Is your pet cuter than this otter?

If you think your pet can rival this baby otter's cuteness, we'd love to see your videos. Send them to us via the form below and they could appear on Mirror Online.


YouTube/Shedd Aquarium Pup 681 was filmed being welcomed into its new home in Chicago
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