Benedict Cumberbatch Plays Imitation Game, Does 11 Celebrity Impressions in 60 Seconds

Nov 13, 2014

Just when you think you couldn't possibly love Benedict Cumberbatch any more than you already do, he goes and does something like this. In honor of his upcoming movie The Imitation Game, the newly engaged Sherlock star accepted a challenge from MTV to play a real-life imitation game: 60 seconds of as many celebrity impressions as he could handle.

With one minute on the clock, MTV News correspondent Josh Horowitz fired off several big names, from fellow Brits Alan Rickman and Tom Hiddleston to Batman villain Bane and bongos-loving Texan Matthew McConaughey

Also on the list? John Malkovich, Sean Connery, Jack Nicholson, Owen Wilson, Michael Caine, Christopher Walken, and Taylor Swift

Sherlock star Benedict Cumberbatch played an imitation game with MTV -- 11 impressions of stars including Matthew McConaughey and Taylor Swift in 60 seconds
Sherlock star Benedict Cumberbatch played an imitation game with MTV -- 11 impressions of stars including Matthew McConaughey and Taylor Swift in 60 seconds

Cumberbatch, 38, gave voice to every single one of them -- with mostly successful results. (His imitation of "Blank Space" singer Swift, the only female on the list, was far from uncanny but gets an A for effort and extra credit for charm.) 

"Nailed it!" quipped Horowitz, who also has a new podcast, HappySadConfused, on Paul Scheer's just-launched Wolfpop network.

Watch the video above!

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