Listen to amazing boy aged 2 ring 999 to help mum who had collapsed

Nov 5, 2014

Mum Nicola Embleton had recently taught her four-year-old daughter how to make an emergency call - unbeknown to her, little Oliver had been listening in

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The video above is a recording of a 999 call made by a two-year-old mini-marvel after his mum collapsed.

Nicola Embleton, 34, who collapsed at home in Peterlee, Co Durham, had recently taught her daughter Ella, then four, how to make an emergency call.

Unbeknown to her, little brother Oliver had been listening in - and dialled 999 himself when he realised his mum was in trouble.

In a recording of the call, released for the first time, Oliver is heard telling Michael: “Mammy fall down.”

Graham asks him: “Is your mammy there? Can you shout mammy or daddy?”

Oliver answers: “No, Mammy fall down, mammy fall down.”

Michael is heard making a call to ambulance controllers to explain the situation as he keeps Oliver on the line.

PA Oliver Embleton, three
Little star: Oliver meets Michael at police headquarters today

He tells them: “There is a small child and I am a little bit concerned in case the kid has called 999 and there is something genuinely going on at the address.

“I would rather get it checked out.”

Oliver then tells Michael: “Mummy is here but she is not talking.”

Nicola then regains consciousness, and comes onto the line: “I fainted.”

Michael says: “He has actually rang 999, I am very impressed with him.

“He is an absolute star.”

Nicola told how her son could hardly string a sentence together - yet somehow managed to make himself understood.

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She had been up and down the stairs at her home when she felt light headed shortly before she collapsed.

She came around to see her son ‘chatting on the phone’ before realising it was 999 operator Andrew on the other end of the phone.

Thankfully, when the police and paramedics arrived to treat Nicola, who lives with husband Andrew, 36, a courier, her fainting was put down to low blood pressure, a problem since she was a teenager.

Nicola, who studies primary education at Sunderland University, thanked the call handler for his help.

She added: “He knew exactly what to do.”

She called Oliver her “superhero” who made her very proud. He received a new toy plane for his actions.

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Michael, who has since picked up an award for the way he dealt with the call, admitted he could only hear ‘mumbling and gurgling’ at first, but persevered in case it was a serious incident.

A force spokesperson said: “In May this year Michael answered a 999 call to hear mumbling and gurgling on the other end that made little sense.

“Michael tried to engage with the caller, who he realised was a very young child.

"The child appeared to be saying ‘fall down’. Michael swiftly established the address from the land line and immediately sent officers to the house.

“Michael then kept the child on the line for a considerable time trying to get the child’s mother or father to the phone.”

PA Oliver Embleton, three
Hats off: Oliver listened in as his mum explained to his sister how to make emergency call

Oliver and Nicola made a special VIP visit to Durham Police HQ on the outskirts of Durham city to meet Michael for the first time today.

And he was given a special tour of the new £15 million facility - trying on a policeman’s helmet.

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PA Oliver Embleton, three
PA Oliver Embleton, three
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