Man died of hypothermia after getting lost on way home and collapsing in field

Nov 14, 2014

Friends of Daniel Christoper Starr told an inquest how he would frequently walk for miles when drunk and was, at times, found to have slept in gardens

British Transport Police

A man was found dead in a field after he drank too much and got lost on his way home, an inquest heard.

Daniel Christopher Starr was found face down in a field next to a railway track in Deeside, earlier this year, leading some to fear he had been struck by a passing train.

However, an inquest into his death heard how the popular 20-year-old died of hypothermia after he finishing a night drinking with friends.

Mr Starr had been drinking with friends at a pub in Little Neston and left in the early hours of May 11 with the intention of walking home to Heswall.

However, he “lost his way” and ended up walking towards Shotton and at some point fell – maybe on more than one occasion – into the gravel on the tracks, causing him minor head injuries and leading him to possibly stagger or collapse in the field, the hearing was told.

Recording a conclusion of accidental death, North East Wales coroner John Gittins ruled out that Mr Starr had committed suicide despite evidence being heard during the inquest that he had spoken about wanting to end his life during his night out at the pub.

The former Neston High School student, who was born in Liverpool, was discovered on May 12 – four days before his 21st birthday – after his friend spotted a body near the tracks while travelling on a train to attend Glyndwr University.

Joseph May was not carrying a mobile phone so got the university receptionist to alert the police and then rang Mr Starr’s father Steven who had already alerted police to his son's disappearance and posted a message on Facebook to his friends.

The Liverpool Echol told how Mr Starr was found by paramedics lying face down and was pronounced dead at the scene.

Mr Gittins read out Dr Brian Rogers post mortem report, which said: “He’d been lying unconscious or semi-conscious for a considerable amount of time.”

He added that there was “no sign of major trauma” so Mr Starr had not been assaulted or hit by a train.

Dr Rogers said his injuries were consistent with a fall and believed he may have been “momentarily stunned” and collapsed or staggered into the field to recover.

The inquest heard that Mr Starr and his friends had been drinking on Thurstaston beach, where they’d had a disposable barbecue, before heading to the Lady Hamilton pub at around 7-8pm on May 10.

According to evidence from his friends, it was common for Mr Starr when drunk to “walk for miles”, including along the railway line, and had often being found sleeping in front gardens and bus shelters.

Mr Starr, who was unemployed at the time, was described as being “very introvert” when sober but would talk to anyone when he was drunk.

A statement read out on behalf of pub regular Paul Preston said Mr Starr was in a “boisterous, happy and talkative mood”. But outside Mr Preston recalled him saying: “I want to end my life. I’ve had two decades and it’s all the same.”

Mr Preston reassured him and said: “You’re not going to do anything stupid are you?”. Mr Starr replied: “No I’m not.”

He then explained to one of Mr Starr’s friends what had been said and asked them to look after him to which his pal said it was “normal” behaviour for him. The inquest was earlier told that Mr Starr had made similar comments to his friends inside the pub.

On the morning of May 11 train driver Terry Byrne said he’d seen a man in a field fitting Mr Starr’s description and alerted police. The area was searched but nobody was found.

Mr Gittins said that despite the comments in the pub there was “no evidence” that would lead him to suspect that Mr Starr took his own life.

He concluded that at some point Mr Starr had “lost his way” and had become disorientated due to a fall and the alcohol he’d consumed, adding that he was “exposed to the elements” and succumbed to hypothermia.

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