‘Nasty’ Katherine Heigl admits she’s made mistakes

Nov 2, 2014

Only human ... Katherine Heigl admits she’s been careless at times in the ways she’s trea

Only human ... Katherine Heigl admits she’s been careless at times in the ways she’s treated people. Picture: Supplied Source: News Limited

ACTOR Katherine Heigl has addressed rumours she is rude, admitting she has ‘made mistakes’ in her dealings with others.

Heigl’s reputation for being difficult was confirmed recently when Grey’s Anatomy creator Shonda Rhimes outlined her “no a--holes policy” on set to the Hollywood Reporter. “There are no Heigls in this situation …” she said. “I don’t put up with bulls--t or nasty people. I don’t have time for it.”

Five times Katherine Heigl was ‘difficult’

While promoting her new series, State of Affairs, Heigl was asked by a fan if the rumours about her rudeness were true. “Yeah I’ve heard those too …. honestly I don’t think I am … nothing makes me more uncomfortable than confrontation or hurting someones feelings and I would never, ever, actively do so on purpose,” she explained. “Of course just like any human being I’ve made mistakes and unwittingly or carelessly spoken or acted but I always try to make any wrong right.”

Heigl addresses fans’ questions via a Facebook question-and-answer session. Picture: Face

Heigl addresses fans’ questions via a Facebook question-and-answer session. Picture: Facebook Source: Supplied

Katherine Heigl in Grey's Anatomy.

Katherine Heigl in Grey's Anatomy. Source: News Limited

She continued, “That doesn’t mean I won’t stand up for myself by drawing boundaries and asking to be treated kindly and respectfully but I don’t do that with any rude or unkind intentions just with the same strength and honestly I think every one of us is entitled to.”

The exchange took place on Facebook.

Grown-up role ... Katherine Heigl as Charleston ‘Charlie’ Tucker, in ‘State of Affairs’.

Grown-up role ... Katherine Heigl as Charleston ‘Charlie’ Tucker, in ‘State of Affairs’. Picture: Michael Parmelee/NBC Source: Supplied

In the new series, Heigl plays a CIA officer, Charlie Tucker, whose role it is to brief the US president each day. She also used to be engaged to the son of President Constance Payton (played by Alfre Woodard), E Online reports, and finds herself on a very personal mission. “I am going to find every last person who had anything to do with the death of my fiance and your son, and I’m going to end every single one of their lives,” her character tells the president.

The role marks a professional turning-point for Heigl at a time in her life when she feels ready to assume the challenge. “Something about her feels like an adult to me in ways that other roles haven’t. I don’t know if it’s because I feel like an adult,” she says. “I feel like I’m finally like a legitimate grown-up with two children and a husband of almost seven years. I feel like a grown-up who has taken on a grown-up role.”

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