Oscar Pistorius's jail gym training sessions with infamous underworld alleged crime boss

Nov 14, 2014

Paralympian killer Oscar Pistorius and a notorious businessman have been working out together behind bars

Jailed Paralympian Oscar Pistorius has been working out in prison with one of South Africa's most infamous underworld criminals, it emerged today.

The extraordinary training partnership came to light in a letter of complaint to prison bosses after a treadmill and exercise bike used by the Czech fugitive and the killer sprinter were moved.

The disgraced sportsman, who was locked up last month for killing his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp, had used notorious tycoon's Radovan Krejcir's private gym equipment without permission, it has been claimed.

Getty Images Czech businessman, Radovan Krejcir, at the Palm Ridge Magistrate's Court on December 2, 2013, in Johannesburg, South Africa. Krejcir is allegedly the head of an international drug-smuggling syndicate. He is also accused of kidnapping and assault.
Gym buddies: Czech businessman, Radovan Krejcir, says he shared his gym equipment with Pistorius.

An unlikely arrangement developed where businessman Krejcir – who has been linked to a string of unsolved murders - invited the amputee runner to share the makeshift gym he'd set up by his cell.

But then this week the training machines were moved from the corridor outside Krejcir's private cell in 'B' section of Kgosi Mampuru prison to a single cell on another floor.

It is not clear if Pistorius still has access to the gear.

Mail Online reported that Krejcir wrote in a letter to prison authorities: 'My equipment was offered to Mr Oscar Pistorius to train on, on his arrival at this facility... without my knowledge.

'I did not object to Mr Pistorius utilising my equipment after he arrived at this facility and in fact Mr Pistorius and I started training together.' 

This was copied to Amnesty International, the Human Rights Commission and others, the article said.

Krejcir is on trial for attempted murder, drug dealing and kidnapping.

His lawyer, Piet du Plessis, told the Times newspaper based in Johannesburg he had requested the equipment for health reasons.

Sentenced prisoners like Pistorius are subject to tighter restrictions on what they can access than those on remand.

Du Plessis said: "Krejcir requested these items before Pistorius arrived. He was using them up until recently when they were removed from him.

"They were moved to another part of the section away from where he is housed, and then moved again to an unknown location."

A prison source said Krejcir was furious over what had happened, the paper reported.

"He is definitely not pleased. You don't want to get on the wrong side of him. He has made it known that he wants his gym equipment back," the source said.

"I definitely don't think he will allow Oscar to use it, or anything else that he has such as his TV, any time soon."

Krejcir, 46, survived a James Bond-style assassination attempt on his life last year and had to dive for cover after 12 remote-controlled shotguns hidden behind the numberplate of a parked car went off as he stepped out of his Mercedes car.

Recent reports also claimed Krecjir offered Pistorius a piece of his birthday cake last week.

The pair are said to be in a special high security six-cell unit.

Pistorius was jailed for five years last month after being convicted of culpable homicide but could be released under supervision after just 10 months behind bars.

Getty Images Czech businessman, Radovan Krejcir, at the Palm Ridge Magistrate's Court on December 2, 2013, in Johannesburg, South Africa. Krejcir is allegedly the head of an international drug-smuggling syndicate. He is also accused of kidnapping and assault.
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