Westminster child abuse scandal: 'Coalition minister drugged and abused me when I was 14'

Nov 6, 2014

Police refuse to quiz the unidentified MP, who allegedly gave a then school pupil a pill - when he awoke he was naked and felt he had been assaulted

The former pupil who claims he was molested by a Coalition minister revealed the alleged attack left him suffering a lifetime of depression and suicide attempts.

And he accused police of being scared to quiz the politician because of his position in today’s Coalition after they revealed they had no plans to investigate – a year after his allegation was made.

The alleged victim, who we are calling Thomas, told officers investigating historical sex abuse at his school that he was drugged by the minister when he was 14. He woke up naked in bed.

He added: “I felt something that made me feel I had been assaulted.

“I had been assaulted previously and the feeling reminded me of that.

“He gave me a pill wrapped in wax paper. I didn’t ask him what it was. He said, ‘Suck that for a few minutes then chew and swallow it’.

“I went to bed and felt bloody awful. I don’t remember anything after that. The police asked me if I was of the opinion that he abused me while in that condition and I said yes.”

Asked if he had been to the school, the minister only said: “Not only have I never been investigated, but there has been no allegation made and nor are there any grounds for any allegation.”

Upset: 'Thomas' says police are unwilling to talk to politician because of his position in the Coalition

Thomas said he is furious the police told him they will not be quizzing the political figure as a suspect.

He added: “It’s as if the police are treading on egg shells and they don’t want to upset the ­Establishment and after 12 months they still haven’t spoken to him about this. It’s a bit much really.

“They said they may want to speak to him at some time in the future but have no plans to at the moment.”

Thomas, who lives in the Midlands, claimed the officer leading the inquiry told him that as he had no memory of the alleged attack they would not quiz the politician and he may have been assaulted by someone else.

He said: “They said they aren’t going to arrest or question him under caution because I’ve not made a complaint against him but that’s not true.”

Last November, the alleged victim gave a statement to police investigating accusations of historical child abuse.

During a recorded interview with specialist child abuse detectives he claimed he had been attacked on a number of occasions – but only once by the Minister, the other alleged assaults were by two other men.

He accused one of raping him and subjecting him to sadistic abuse before the alleged assault by the politician, and the other tried to rape him.

Thomas claimed he had attempted suicide three times since the alleged abuse, suffered trauma throughout his life and had been unable to have sexual ­relationships.

He also suffered from depression and a sleeping disorder. The alleged victim added: “I decided to come forward because I have spent a considerable amount of time trying to forget but it plays on your mind and I have ­nightmares and sweats.

“I’ve been told it’s frightening to see me having one of my nightmares, I go raving mad. I have also told a friend what happened and hopefully by bringing this to the surface I can move forward.”

Labour MP Tom Watson, who has spoken at length to Thomas, said he will write to Director of Public Prosecutions Alison Saunders calling for the minister to be ­quizzed.

Tom Watson interview
Interview: Mr Watson has spoken at length to 'Thomas'

He added: “I will ask her to review the circumstances of this case. There’s no doubt in my mind that for this enquiry to be complete the ­politician should be interviewed so as they are availed of his knowledge of the school.

“Allegations of extreme cases of violent and sadistic abuse have been made about this institution and I’m very surprised that the police do not want to interview everyone who was there.”

Police said three people have come forward to allege abuse at the school.

Thomas is the only one who is believed to have accused the minister. He claimed he was only attacked once by him.

He told how he first became aware his alleged abuser became a politician when he saw him on the news. He added: “I was watching with my mother when he came on. I was shocked that he was an MP.” Thomas has worked in various jobs including as a dry cleaner and driver until 2001 when his health deteriorated.

The Daily Mirror is not naming the minister, giving further details about the school or the date of the alleged incident for legal reasons.

A police spokesman said they have received complaints of abuse from three people relating to two ­individuals who they are treating as suspects. No arrests have been made. He added: “We are following a number of lines of inquiry in relation to individuals identified in this case and if required, this may involve a public appeal in the future.”

The claims will increase pressure on the Government, which is already under fire over its handling of the inquiry into a cover-up of a paedophile ring within the Establishment.

Fiona Woolf last week became the second chairwoman to stand down after revelations of her social links to former Tory Home Secretary Leon Brittan, a key figure in the probe. Baroness Butler-Sloss also quit.

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