Joan Collins 'ruthlessly' grilled by US border security because she wore too much moisturiser

Dec 17, 2014

The Dynasty star said she was left feeling like a criminal after officers questioned her when her fingerprints were rejected


Acting legend Joan Collins has revealed how she was grilled by US border officials after they were unable to read her fingerprints - because she had too much moisturiser on.

The Dynasty star has told how she was left “feeling like a criminal” after security at an American airport “ruthlessly” cross-examined her after her immigration form was rejected.

Miss Collins, 81, said she was getting off a plane on a trip to the States in November but when her fingers were scanned, the computer was unable to read them.

Joan Collins
Questioned: Joan Collins was asked a series of questions after moisturiser stopped her fingerprints from being read

She said: “Because I apply moisturiser on long trips, quite liberally, my hands were covered with lotion at the border control counter.

"My immigration form came out of the printer with a large and very ominous X on it.

“This alarmed the official, who decided to leave me standing next to his desk while he waved forward and collected the forms of those whose fingerprints had made the grade.

“After an interminable parade of obvious stares and hidden snickers form the successful entrants, he made me take off my hat and glasses and peered at me

Getty Joan Collins
Glamour: The actress gained worldwide fame in the 1980s thanks to the TV soap Dynasty

Writing in The Spectator magazine, Miss Collins told how she was then subjected to a series of questions that left her feeling "like a criminal caught at the border while trying to immigrate into the US illegally”.

She said: "He cross-examined me ruthlessly – ‘What do you do?’ ‘Why are you here?’ ‘What are your plans in this country?’

“Several other officers were called over to discuss me; my passport was inspected thoroughly and scanned time after time.

“That was a lot of fun after a ten-hour trip from Heathrow, and all because I moisturise.”

Joan Collins Actress when she was a schoolgirl
Getty Joan Collins
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