Watch naked woman walk to church in snowy Siberian town

Oct 30, 2014

The woman marches through the freezing snow carrying a crying baby and wearing just a purple turban

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This incredible video shows a naked woman walk barefoot through the snow and then bow repeatedly before entering church.

She can be seen carrying a crying baby, and wearing nothing but a purple turban, while others in the Siberian street protect themselves from the harsh temperatures in padded coats and woolly hats.

According to The Moscow Times the woman walked across the "oil capital" of Russia to a church to shed odd evil spirits.

The footage, which has gone viral, is captured by a passer-by on a mobile phone, and shows the woman bowing several times and crossing herself at the gates of the Orthodox church.

The unidentified naked woman bows in front of the church with the infant in her arms

Inside, the unidentified woman told astonished believers she was exorcising "evil spirits".

The incident took place Sunday in the city of Nizhnevartovsk in western Siberia, the report said.

The woman was reportedly sent to a psychiatric facility,  while the unharmed child was taken to the local hospital, said local police

It is not known how a walk in the nude in temperatures as low as -12 degrees Celsius could serve to banish an unwanted supernatural presence.

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