Mourners remember teen car crash victim by wearing pink polka dot dressing gowns to funeral

Dec 6, 2014

Friends of popular Max Lewis were asked to wear something which showed the 19-year-old's sense of style, so chose one of his trademark outfits

Hundreds of mourners at a teenager's funeral paid tribute to him by wearing his favourite item of clothing - a pink polka dot dressing gown.

Popular Max Lewis, 19, died when the car driven by his friend Dan Palmer, 22, collided with a van last month.

His grieving mother Nicola had asked mourners to wear something that showed her son's "sense of style", so dozens of friends donned pink hooded dressing gowns - one of the teenager's trademark outfits - including the pallbearers and even the reverend.

Trevor Porter / Popular teenager Max Lewis.
'Caring': Popular teenager Max Lewis

Speaking to the gathering of 450 friends a tearful Ms Lewis, 50, said: "You always had a strong sense of who you are.

"You were determined, adventurous and playful, funny, mischievous and energetic and very caring.

"You have left a huge gaping hole in our lives and hearts."

Trevor Porter / Pall bearers dressed in pink polka dot dressing gowns at Max Lewis' funeral.
Tribute: Pall bearers dressed in pink polka dot dressing gowns

She added: "Please young people, try to keep yourselves safe, because it is just too hard to lose you."

Max, from Melksham, Wilts., was a passenger in a red Citroen Saxo which collided with a white Renault Master van on November 15.

Driver Dan Palmer, 22, suffered a punctured lung and broken pelvis and had to undergo extensive surgery following the smash, but is now recovering at home.

Locals wearing the pink hooded fleeces and carrying single roses lined the streets approaching St Michael's Church in Melksham on Thursday before packing out the service.

Trevor Porter / Mourners dressed in pink polka dot dressing gowns at Max Lewis' funeral.
Gone but not forgotten: Mourners also wore pink gowns in memory of Max

As well as the dressing gowns they wore wristbands which said "Max Lewis Gone but never forgotten RIP 09/01/1995 - 15/11/2014".

The ceremony contained hymns and bible readings and ended with Rev Rene Coulson donning a matching pink gown before Bob Marley's Three Little Birds was played.

Two men - aged 18 and 25 - have been released on bail until January pending further investigations into the car crash.

Trevor Porter / Popular teenager Max Lewis.
Trevor Porter / Pall bearers dressed in pink polka dot dressing gowns at Max Lewis' funeral.
Trevor Porter / Mourners dressed in pink polka dot dressing gowns at Max Lewis' funeral.
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