The British millionaire is accused of plotting the murder of his wife Anni during their honeymoon in South Africa in 2010
The trial of British millionaire Shrien Dewani continued in South Africa today.
Dewani is accused of plotting the murder of his wife Anni during their honeymoon in the country in 2010. She was shot dead when their car was ambushed in Cape Town.
The defendant returned to the UK following the tragedy but was extradited to face charges of orchestrating her killing.
Taxi driver Zola Tongo returned to the stand this morning for his third consecutive day of questioning.
Tongo told the court he put his job at risk by arranging the hit on Anni Dewani, and that the killing had 'caused him troubles'.
The 34-year-old - currently serving 18 years for his role in her death - was directly accused of lying by the defence team, for his account of what happened before Mrs Dewani's death.
The case has been adjourned for the day and won't sit again until Monday.
Good morning - the trial and our live coverage of the Shrien Dewani trial has resumed.
Taxi Driver Zola Tongo is back on the stand, having spent most of yesterday being cross examined by the defence team.
Defence lawyer Mr Van Zyl exposed a number of apparent contradictions between the convicted taxi driver's evidence and previous statements given under oath.
Tongo said a number of mistakes had been made in his previous statements, and at other times he did not recall making other comments when they were put to him.
The court also saw CCTV footage of Dewani and Tongo at the hotel before taking the taxi ride that would lead to Anni's death.
Defence lawyer Van Zyl: "Mr Tongo, yesterday afternoon, we were dealing with whether you knew that the person you spoke to was Spra and whether the other man with him was Xolile.
"You said he introduced himself to you as Spra and Xolile, as Xolile.
"Would it be fair to say that you then knew you were dealing with Spra and Xolile."
Tongo: "Correct."
Van Zyl: "You made this statement on November 26th. You say Spra's number was under the letter 'H'.
"You also said that you met Qwabe at the bus stop."
The lawyer reads a statement where Tongo says he and 'H' agreed to meet at Khaya Bazaar, that he did not introduce himself.
Tongo: "There is a mistake there. He introduced himself."
Van Zyl reads further. Tongo says he spoke to Dewani, who explained how the job was to be done and Xolile wasn't introduced. Tongo says that's another mistake.
Van Zyl: "You referred to them as the first and second man."
"Why did you not tell the police on 26/11 that the one man was known to you as Spra and the other as Xolile?
"Why run away from their identities?"
Tongo: "There was nothing that I was hiding. What I said is that they introduced themselves to me. When they appeared, I remembered their names."
#DewaniTrial @eNCAnews Tongo: It's the way they (police) wrote it. They introduced themselves to me. I couldn't remember their names
— Leigh-Anne Jansen (@LA_JANSEN) October 30, 2014
Tongo: "As time went on, I remembered their names. It was a mistake. Everyone makes mistakes."
Van Zyl: "But then tell the police "I can't remember their names" as opposed to "they weren't introduced to me"."
Tongo: "Let's say it was a mistake. They were introduced to me."
Van Zyl: "Was Mr da Grass present when you made this statement?"
Tongo: "That's correct."
Van Zyl "I presume, at that time, Mr. da Grass knew your whole story?"
Tongo: "Correct."
Van Zyl: "And if you made a mistake, he would've pointed it out to you."
Tongo: "He's also human. He can also make a mistake."
Van Zyl: It get's worse. It's common cause that the number used by Spra was 0736586434."
The lawyer refers to exhibit with Tongo's cellphone records.
Van Zyl: "The name Spra (saved on his phone) has the number I just read out to you. Can you explain this to the court?"
Tongo (long pause): "As I said, he did give his name to me. The fact that I forgot his name and remembered it later that's something that happens."
Van Zyl: "Why did you tell the police you did not know their names?"
#DewaniTrial @eNCAnews Tongo: I repeat, that they did introduce themselves. The fact that I forgot. It's a mistake.
— Leigh-Anne Jansen (@LA_JANSEN) October 30, 2014
Van Zyl: "You see, we have a similar problem with the fact that you didn't know it was the wife who had to be killed.
"It was a business partner or client. I told you Mr Qwabe said he was told that a husband wanted a wife killed."
The lawyer refers to Monde's statement, where he asked Tongo why he needed a hitman. In it, Tongo replies that a man wanted his wife killed and is unsure if it was the same one as the airport.
Tongo: "I never said that to Monde. This is the same Monde who said Islamic people like to kill their wives. I can't comment on what Monde said."
Van Zyl: "When did you realise the woman who had been killed, was the wife?"
#DewaniTrial @eNCAnews Tongo: I found out on the Sunday. Heard from the police at the hotel.
— Leigh-Anne Jansen (@LA_JANSEN) October 30, 2014
Van Zyl: "Was this before or after you knew she was killed?"
Tongo: "Before."
Van Zyl: "Mr Tongo. Let's return to Friday evening. When you left the Cape Grace hotel, on your way to see Monde. What, to your understanding, would you benefit from this? In cash or in kind."
Tongo: "I was going to be paid an amount of R5000 and the gentleman said that he would promote my business."
Van Zyl: "Not to delay the point unnecessarily. Why did you not tell the police that you would be paid R5000 and get business."
Tongo: "It is on paper, how much I was going to be paid."
Van Zyl: "If you go to your statement. This is now Saturday morning when Mr Dewani allegedly explains how this was to take place.
"On my reading of this affidavit, the R5000 was only agreed on the Saturday morning. Is this wrong?"
#DewaniTrial @eNCAnews Tongo: I did say that I was going to be paid R5000
— Leigh-Anne Jansen (@LA_JANSEN) October 30, 2014
Van Zyl: "That's not the question. When? Friday evening or Saturday morning?"
Tongo: "It's possible that we decided on the Saturday on the way back from changing money, or Friday. But we did agree."
Van Zyl: "Why are you not sure about the dates? The fact that you were to be paid R5000, was that important to you?"
Tongo: "It was important, that's why I mentioned it."
Van Zyl: "No! Was it important to you?"
Tongo: "I mentioned it, so it was important."
judge Traverso: "For doing that terrible thing, was it agreed upon that you were to be paid?"
Tongo: "Correct."
Traverso: "What Mr Van Zyl is asking, was that not a very important part of the agreement? That is what he is saying."
#DewaniTrial @eNCAnews Tongo: That was important to me
— Leigh-Anne Jansen (@LA_JANSEN) October 30, 2014
Van Zyl: "Now, that important thing..why can you not tell us when it was agreed? Friday morning, like you testified in court? Or Saturday morning, like you state in your affidavit?"
Tongo: "I cannot remember. There were such a lot of things."
Traverso: "Let me ask you. If the accused did not agree to pay, would you have gone ahead with it?"
Tongo: "No, I would not have proceeded."
Tongo: "When this happened, it was a very bad period in my life where I did a bad thing. I'm going to try tell everything. Some of the things are only coming back now. I told the truth. Even now, I'm changed."
Van Zyl: "Did you know what Mr Dewani wanted done, meaning how she had to be killed, where, when?"
Tongo: "The time I was going to Monde, I wasn't aware yet how this was going to take place. All I knew is that the accused person wanted a business partner killed. I didn't know how. If my memory serves me correct, we finalised that on Saturday."
#DewaniTrial @eNCAnews VZ: And this payment of R15000 was suggested by the accused? Tongo: Correct
— Leigh-Anne Jansen (@LA_JANSEN) October 30, 2014
Van Zyl: "The question is, why didn't you get into your vehicle, drive away from the Cape Grace and forget about this?"
Tongo: "Because of the promises that were made."
Van Zyl: "So why didn't you put that in your statement?"
Tongo: "As I said, some of the things are coming back. When I spoke to the police, a lot was going on. Now, I've settled down and I'm calm."
Van Zyl: "Now, you went to Monde. What happened at the hotel. What did you tell him?"
Tongo: "I got to the hotel after I'd already called to find out if he is at work. I joked with staff. Monde appeared.
"He said I should wait. We went outside, we spoke, I explained to him that I picked up a client at the airport."
#DewaniTrial @eNCAnews Tongo: and dropped at the Cape Grace. The gentleman said to be he wanted to take someone off the scene
— Leigh-Anne Jansen (@LA_JANSEN) October 30, 2014
Tongo: "I explained to Monde what is being said. I asked him if there are any people in the community that he knows of. He said to me that he knows people and would get in touch with them. He did likewise."
Van Zyl: "Did he say people?"
Tongo: "My mistake. He said a person."
Van Zyl: "Didn't he say he's not involved in such thing."
Tongo: "He said he will in contact with someone. He went into the hotel, checked his phone for the number."
Tongo: "We went outside again. He called the man."
Van Zyl: "Were you there when he spoke to the man?"
Tongo: "I was there but a little distance away."
Van Zyl: "What did you hear? What did Monde say to this man?"
Tongo: "Monde said to this man that there is a job that he is hearing about from another man that he knows who wants somebody to be killed. That's part of what I heard, since I was some distance away
Van Zyl: "Did he mention what the man was willing to pay?"
#DewaniTrial @eNCAnews Tongo: He said he wants to pay R15000 but he wants to pay in Dollars
— Leigh-Anne Jansen (@LA_JANSEN) October 30, 2014
Van Zyl: "Is there anything else that you heard?"
Tongo: "Those are the only things I can remember."
Van Zyl: "Did you speak to the person at that stage?"
Tongo: "I don't remember at that time. But I do remember calling one of the men as it was becoming dark."
Van Zyl: "What was in it for Monde?"
Tongo: "Monde was also going to be paid."
Van Zyl: "Who was going to pay Monde?"
Tongo: "The young men."
Van Zyl: "Is it a fact that he was to be paid by the young men or was that something in your head?"
Tongo: "That's one of the things that I heard."
Van Zyl: "Who said it?"
Tongo: "That's one of the things I remember from the phone call on the Friday (At the Protea hotel)"
Van Zyl reads another part of Tongo's statement in which Tongo says that Monde wanted R5000.
Van Zyl: "Is this correct?"
Tongo: "Monde did say that. I said the amount of money and how he gets paid, does not concern me."
Van Zyl: "Mr Tongo, you told the court that you heard Monde say over the phone that the man is willing to pay R15000."
Tongo: "Correct."
Van Zyl: "Your statement says that Monde told you he wanted R5000 & the other men must get R10000."
When the lawyer says these statements seem to be in contradiction, Tongo repeats his previous answer.
Traverso: "So who was Mr Dewani going to pay?"
Tongo: "The accused was going to pay the young men."
Van Zyl: "How was he going to get his money?"
Tongo: "From them."
Van Zyl: "Mr Qwabe told this court, for what it's worth, that Monde told him that someone wanted a job done and he said you can give them my number. You later called. He said the details were not discussed
Tongo: "I did speak to the young man at sunset. I was just continuing the conversation Monde had with him."
Van Zyl: "Mr. Mbolombo testified about this, in the trial of Mr. Mngeni."
And with that, the hearing has taken a brief adjournment for tea. Stick with us and we will continue love coverage of the Shrien Dewani trial shortly.
While we wait for court to resume after this mornings tea break, here are some pictures from outside court earlier this week.
Below you can see Shrien Dewani's parents Snila and Prakash Dewani leaving the Western Cape High Court in Cape Town, South Africa on Tuesday.
We have yet to hear from the couple in the trial and at this stage it is not known if they will take the stand during their son's defence.

Another picture from earlier in this week at the Dewani trial.
Below is Anni Dewani's family leaving Western Cape High Court, again on Tuesday.
Today's sessions - which steal features taxi driver Zola Tongo on the stand - is due to resume shortly.

And we're back in session after the tea break.
Van Zyl: "Mr Tongo, I would like to read you a passage from Mr Mbolombo's evidence given in the Mngeni trial.
"Monde refers to Spra as Abongile. Do you know about that?"
Tongo: "No, I don't."
Van Zyl: "Is Monde's evidence correct?"
Tongo: "I'm surprised to see the name Abongile and secondly, it's Monde who connected me to the man. I did speak to the young man after sunset. I can't remember speaking to him over the phone.
"What I can remember, is that I did speak to him at some stage."
Van Zyl: "As I understand Mr Mbolombo's evidence, he didn't say anything of the sort. (payment, linking hitmen, etc).
Tongo: "As to what Monde said, I can't comment. I can only say what I heard."
Van Zyl: "Mr Qwabe also doesn't say anything about R15000 or the sort."
Tongo: "The young man knew about the amount."
Tongo: "In the beginning I said, I explained to Monde what the accused person wanted. I was just finalising a conversation that had already started."
Van Zyl refers to Monde's third statement, made in September this year. In it, Monde says he called Abongile, did not give Zola the number on the Friday.
He says he didn't give the number to Tongo, that he left his phone at the hotel and Tongo must have taken it off the phone.
Tongo: "I am not a thief, if the phone was lying there. Monde gave the number. He is lying."
Van Zyl: "Why did you think that Monde Mbolombo could put you in contact with a hitman. Someone who could kill people?"
Tongo: "Because I knew Monde knows what happens in the community."
Van Zyl: "Are there hitmen in the community?"
Tongo: "I don't know."
Van Zyl: "There's this huge coincidence. You are not someone involved in criminality."
Van Zyl: "But when the accused asks you to find a hitman, you are prepared to do it. You go to Mbolombo, who also is not involved in criminality. I put it to you that that is highly improbable. There's something else."
Tongo: "That's your explanation."
Van Zyl: "I'm putting it to you, there is another reason. Do you want to comment?"
Tongo: "I'll wait for you."
Judge Traverso: "The person who was going to pay the money was Mr. Dewani?"
Tongo: "Yes."
Traverso: "Why didn't you just ask Mr. Dewani (for the money)?"
Tongo: "Mr Dewani was going to leave the money in the pouch. That was the agreement. They were not going to get money from me."
Van Zyl: "This that you just testified to. When was this agreement?"
Tongo: :"That the young men were going to pay Monde?"
Tongo: "According to our conversation on Friday, when me and Monde were chatting outside and told him what the accused person said.
"I did tell Monde how much the accused person was going to pay. I heard Monde say that he was going to ask his money. I told him he should sort it out with them."
Judge Traverso: "The deal was struck, mainly between you and Mr Dewani, that right?"
Tongo: "Yes."
Traverso: "You were the spokesman who spoke to Monde, who spoke to hitmen."
Tongo: "Correct."
#DewaniTrial @eNCAnews Traverso: So you were the one who struck a deal with Mr. Dewani. Tongo: Correct, My Lady
— Leigh-Anne Jansen (@LA_JANSEN) October 30, 2014
Van Zyl reads Tongo's affidavit again
In it, Tongo says Monde wanted R5000, and that the men should be paid R10000. Is this correct, the lawer asks.
Tongo: "Monde was going to get his share. Whether he was going to get 1000, 2000, 5000 Rand, I don't know."
Traverso: "This is your statement, Mr. Tongo. Or did the police make a mistake again?"
Tongo: "I do make mistakes."
The lawyer reads from Tongo's statement again.
Van Zyl: "Did that happen or not? (The agreement that Monde would receive R5000)"
Tongo questions his own statement.
"Who is this 'we'?" he asks.
Van Zyl: "It's clearly you and Mr. Mbolombo."
Now the judge intervenes.
Traverso: "When you prepared your plea agreement, did you do it with Mr. da Grass? And this was done some time after your arrest?
"Did you understand how important this document was?"
#DewaniTrial @eNCAnews Tongo: As I said, My Lady, at that time, my condition was weak. As time went on, I remembered."
— Leigh-Anne Jansen (@LA_JANSEN) October 30, 2014
Traverso: "That wasn't my question."
Tongo: "I understand some of them and I don't understand some of them."
Van Zyl: "Was there such a discussion between you and Mr. Mbolombo? (R5000 payment)"
Tongo: "It's possible."
Van Zyl: "So what was the agreement between you, Mr Dewani, Mr Mbolombo and the two hitmen? Who'd get paid what?"
Tongo: "As I said, I was going to be paid R5000 after the job, the young men would get R15000."
Van Zyl: "And Monde?"
Tongo: "Monde, according to what is written here, maybe I can't remember, he wanted 5000. I said the young men would pay."
Van Zyl: "Why didn't you tell the police?"
Tongo: "Maybe it was forgotten, but it's written here, sir."
Van Zyl: "Let's move on. When you left Monde Mbolombo's hotel. What was your understanding? What was going to happen?"
Tongo: "We will continue the conversation then we will talk and see as Monde put me in touch with the young man."
Van Zyl: "So the young man agreed to what?"
Tongo: "That he would take the job."
Van Zyl: "And the young man agreed to doing this for R15000? TWithout knowing who had to be killed, how, where?"
Tongo: "The young man had an idea of who had to be killed. We were just going to continue the conversation."
Van Zyl: "Was there a request from the accused to hire killers?"
Tongo: "Correct."
Van Zyl: "I thought he wanted a hitman - in the singular."
Tongo: "Whether he wanted one man or 100 men. He hired me to get killers."
#DewaniTrial @eNCAnews Tongo: Whether he wanted one man or 100 men. He hired me to get killers
— Leigh-Anne Jansen (@LA_JANSEN) October 30, 2014
Van Zyl: "What trouble did you go to, to get Monde's services?"
Tongo: "Firstly, the trouble that I made, I phoned Monde with MY phone, I went to Monde with MY petrol.
"I sacrificed MY life for this to happen. There are many troubles I went through."
"To add to that, my communication with the hotel ends in that manner. Monde also, we are playing with our jobs."
#DewaniTrial @eNCAnews Tongo: I sacrificed MY life for this to happen. There are many troubles I went through
— Leigh-Anne Jansen (@LA_JANSEN) October 30, 2014
Van Zyl: "Did Mr. Mbolombo play any further role than putting you in touch with Qwabe?"
Tongo: "What I can remember, he put me in touch with Qwabe and called me after the incident about payment.
"I'm going to say for the 6th time, Monde put me in touch with the young man."
Van Zyl: "You spoke to Monde at the hotel on Friday.
"You called him on the Saturday to find out why the men didn't show up and he called you after the incident.
"On page 909 of the record, in which Tongo says he took the man's number from Monde and called him later.
"You were asked if that's the only conversation you had with Spra. You said, correct, My Lady.
"What we've done, is go through all the documentation, telephone records, CCTV footage and put it in a timeline.
"That's the timeline you're looking at, at the moment."
Defence lawyer Van Zyl has begun running Tongo through the timeline.
But just as he starts, the court adjourns for lunch.
The case is due back on at 12.15pm, UK time, when the taxi driver will continue to be cross examined.
Stay with us throughout the next hour and half though, as we recap events from yesterdays hearing and look at what we've learned today so far.
Convicted taxi driver Zola Tongo admitted making mistakes in relaying to police how Anni Dewani, the wife of Bristol businessman Shrien Dewani, was murdered while on her honeymoon in South Africa.
Tongo, 34, made the concessions while being cross-examined by Shrien Dewani's lawyer, Francois van Zyl, in the Western Cape High Court, in Cape Town yesterday.
Dewani is accused of the murder of his wife during their honeymoon in Cape Town in November 2010.
The entrepreneur, from Westbury-on-Trym, near Bristol, has pleaded not guilty to murder, kidnap, robbery with aggravating circumstances, conspiracy to commit these crimes and defeating the ends of justice.

The first mistake related to when Dewani allegedly approached him with the proposal to kill his wife, when Tongo dropped the Dewanis off at the Cape Grace Hotel on November 13 2010.
Tongo said he thought Dewani's "business proposal" related to tours.
He said he only realised when Dewani returned from the hotel to speak with him inside the car that the proposal involved murder.
Mr Van Zyl referred to the statement Tongo made to police on November 26 2010, in which he said Dewani went into great detail about the proposal before going to check in at the hotel.
However, it appeared from Tongo's evidence that all Dewani told him before entering into the hotel was that he had a job.

He asked him to explain the differences and Tongo said that was a mistake and that Dewani did not go into detail about the job before checking in.
The lawyer asked why he would tell police that is what happened.
"Anyone can make a mistake," Tongo said, pointing out that the lawyer had also made a mistake earlier when getting his initials wrong.
As people in the public gallery laughed, Deputy Judge President Jeanette Traverso told him to stick to answering the question.

"That was a mistake, sir," Tongo said.
Dewani claims the couple were hijacked as Tongo was driving them through Gugulethu township in his minibus on Saturday November 13 2010. He was released unharmed and Anni driven away. She was found shot dead in the abandoned minibus the next morning.
The prosecution alleges Dewani conspired with others to stage the hijacking in return for 15,000 rand (£850).
Hotel receptionist Monde Mbolombo was granted immunity from prosecution in exchange for giving evidence against his accomplices.

Xolile Mngeni was serving life in jail for firing the shot that killed Anni, but died in prison from a brain tumour two weeks ago.
Mziwamadoda Qwabe is serving a 25-year jail term while Tongo was sentenced to 18 years' imprisonment for their roles in Anni Dewani's murder.
Mr Van Zyl said that in his statement Tongo had claimed that when he got to the Cape Grace Hotel on the evening of November 13 2010 he picked up Dewani and the "same lady" who was with him at the airport a day earlier.
Tongo gave evidence earlier that he initially thought Anni was two people because her appearance had changed so dramatically in those two days, from casual to "beautiful".

Mr Van Zyl asked why he said the "same lady" if he had thought they were two different people.
"I can see this is written and I signed it but I never said the same lady," Tongo replied. He said the police had made a mistake.
The court heard that Lieutenant Colonel Mike Barkhuizen, who had taken the statement, was an experienced officer, and would have known how important the case was.
Tongo said he could not answer on Barkhuizen's behalf.

"Why sir are you running away from the fact that it was Mr Dewani's wife that was in your car and according to your evidence, was the person who needed to be killed?"
Tongo maintained he did not know it was Dewani's wife who needed to be killed. Mr Van Zyl then asked why he never mentioned in his statement that Dewani said he would pay him 5,000 rand (£285) once the job was done.
"I forgot to mention that," Tongo said.
He has continued giving his evidence today.

Court has resumed after lunch, and it has emerged that Shrien Dewani had a panic attack this morning.
Apparently this was due to the press photographers outside court banging his window.
Judge Traverso appeals to the media to treat the accused and case with dignity.
"We all want to see justice done," she added.
Tongo: "I contacted Qwabe and he knew how much would be paid. It was R15000. For him to deny that, I can't answer."
Tongo: "The information started with Monde. I also finalised that with him."
Van Zyl: "Mr. Tongo, to return to the money exchange, I'm not quite sure what your testimony is now
"Did you discuss a place to exchange money, with the accused, on the Friday afternoon at the hotel.
"As you said in your statement or the Friday evening, as you testified."
Tongo: "We spoke about it the Friday. As for the time, I can't remember. That's why we exchanged the money on Saturday."
Tongo: I said from the beginning, I tried to save his number. Since it was a lot of numbers, not like numbers in South Africa after the accused gave me a missed call or I missed a call from him.
Van Zyl: "You told the court that Mr Dewani phoned you that evening."
Tongo: "The accused person did contact me."
VZ: "Is it correct that he called you after you sent him a text?"
Tongo: "It could be. We were in contact."
Van Zyl: "Tell us what was discussed."
Tongo: "It was to ask if I passed the message to the young men. Me and the accused were discussing a lot of things.
"He wanted to know if the young men will really be able to do it. I confirmed with him
Van Zyl: "Didn't you also discuss the exchange of money?"
Tongo: "As I said in the beginning, we did discuss that as well. I said it."
Van Zyl: "What time was arranged with him?"
Tongo: "If i still remember correctly, it was 11 o'clock or 12 o'clock."
Tongo: "If my memory serves me well, our discussion ended there."
Van Zyl: "This SMS (text). What did you want from him?
Tongo: "I wanted to confirm with him that I met one of the young men. The man gave confirmed that they'll be able to do the job."
Van Zyl: "You told the court, the following day you went to the airport and then you received a call when you entered the waterfront. The accused asked you if you've forgotten. You said you just dropped a client.
"Then you rushed to the Cape Grace hotel. After turning in, he walked out of the door. "
Van Zyl: "Mr Dewani will tell the court, if necessary, that you said you'd take him to money changer at noon.
Van Zyl: "That morning he and his wife went for a late breakfast."
The court is to see real time CCTV footage of this moment.
The lawyer hands up a written description of what's depicted in the footage.
The clip shows Shrien and Anni leave their room and walk down a passage. Van Zyl says they were on their way to breakfast.
An incoming text from Dewani shown. There was a time delay because it goes via the UK. Text reads "Ok, give me 10 mins"
Van Zyl: "Mr. Dewani will say that he forgot about the meeting, went to the room, changed into town clothes, took £5,000, took his passport and met with you.
#DewaniTrial @eNCAnews Tongo: I said, it was between 11 and 12. Whether he had a passport,I don't know.I'm too big to get into his pocket
— Leigh-Anne Jansen (@LA_JANSEN) October 30, 2014
Tongo: "I took him from the Cape Grace, to change money."
Van Zyl: "I have to put it to you that that whole version of yours is incorrect."
Tongo: "There was communication between me and the accused. I was in the company of one of my clients. I said he must give me 10 minutes because I'm almost there.
Van Zyl: "He didn't call you to find out where you were. You texted him. He was at the poolside and asked you to give him 10 minutes.
"It's an entirely different picture to the one you're painting."
#DewaniTrial @eNCAnews Tongo: Don't know whether I called him or the accused texted me but there was communication
— Leigh-Anne Jansen (@LA_JANSEN) October 30, 2014
Tongo: "I won't be able to comment on whether the accused forgot about the meeting. As much as the accused could leave the detectives and come to the back of the hall and come to me, he could exchange money."
The court is shown another clip. This time Shrien has changed. He is seen walking down the passage with a bulge in his left pocket.
Van Zyl: "You went to the money change. You did not go in to where the transaction was done. You waited til he was done. Mr Dewani changed pounds, not dollars but I presume you didn't see.
Footage shows car pulling up to hotel and Dewani immediately getting out.
The lawyer asks when were the details discussed then - because Dewani immediately got out of the vehicle.
Tongo: "We were speaking while we were in the car."
Van Zyl: "I pointed out what you said in your evidence in the chief. You said when job would be done was discussed on arrival at hotel but that's not what we see on the footage."
#DewaniTrial Tongo:we were speaking while we were in the car. RE
— EWN Reporter (@ewnreporter) October 30, 2014
The judge reads from her notes that the discussion took place in the car parked. But the footage shows Dewani got out immediately.
Tongo: "I made a mistake about whether the car was parked or in motion, but we discussed it in the car.
Van Zyl: "His wife was at the pool, not "washing". Is that what he said?"
Tongo: "That's correct."
#DewaniTrial VZ:there was no call made to you by the accused that Saturday morning. RE
— RAHIMA ESSOP (@rahimaessop) October 30, 2014
Van Zyl: "I'm putting it to you there was no call. It's a figment of your imagination. It's a made up story.
Tongo: "what I'm saying is that there was some communication."
Judge: "Cellphone?"
Tongo: "Yes. Whether he called from a hotel phone or a cellphone I don't know, but there was a call."
#DewaniTrial VZ: if that was the case it would have shown on the detailed billing of his phone, your phone or the room phone, its not there
— RAHIMA ESSOP (@rahimaessop) October 30, 2014
Van Zyl: "This is just a lie."
Tongo: "If it makes you happy to say that."
Van Zyl: "During that conversation on Saturday morning, when details of killing discussed, did you say you would pick them up at 19:30?"
"You testified in chief you would pick them up at 19:30, drive around go to Gugs.
Tongo: We were 1st going to drive around at the Waterfront, then Signal Hill, then De Waal Drive, then to Gugulethu where the gentlemen would be waiting for me."
Van Zyl: "Were you not supposed to go to some other restaurant?"
Tongo: "According to the decision between me and the accused, we were to drive around and go to Gugulethu."
Van Zyl: "I repeat, were you not supposed to go to a restaurant in Somerset?"
Tongo: "The issue of Somerset was a plan B, after plan A failed."
Van Zyl: "You drove on to Somerset West. That's not something that was discussed beforehand. It was your decision.
Tongo: "I said that they should go have something to eat in Somerset."
Van Zyl: "That's after plan A failed. There was no talk before?"
Tongo: "I can't remember us discussing that."
Van Zyl: "I thought you said that was a spur-of-the-moment decision?"
Tongo: "That came from me, knowing that Mr Dewani would support me."
Van Zyl: "Do you know if Mr Dewani booked a table at 96 Winery Road, in the area of Somerset West for 21:30 that evening?"
Tongo: "No, he never mentioned that to me."
Van Zyl: "It's common cause that an entry was made in their entry of bookings. You had no knowledge of this?"
Tongo: "No, the accused person never mentioned this to me."
Van Zyl: "When you phoned Ta'Vuks to take these people that evening. Where did you say he should take them?"
Tongo: "I asked if Ta'Vuks was able to do a transfer for me."
Van Zyl: "To where?"
Tongo: "I can't remember telling him where to go. When he said he couldn't, I just said "ok, my friend."
Van Zyl: "Let me refresh your memory."
The lawyer is now referring to Monde's statement.
#DewaniTrial @eNCAnews Monde says: "Zola was to take them to Somerset West to have dinner."
— Leigh-Anne Jansen (@LA_JANSEN) October 30, 2014
Tongo: "I don't remember telling that to Monde."
Van Zyl: "Mr Dewani made a booking. He will tell the court that you agreed to take him there at a price of R1000. Mr Mbolombo said you told him. Is this just nonsense."
Tongo: "I can't remember telling Monde that clients were going to Somerset West. There was no talk of R1000."
#DewaniTrial @eNCAnews Tongo: He never paid me to go to Somerset West. He never paid me to change the money
— Leigh-Anne Jansen (@LA_JANSEN) October 30, 2014
Van Zyl: "You told the court the decision to go to Somerset West was yours and a spur-of-the-moment decision.
"That means there could not have been any talk of you taking the accused and his wife to dinner in Somerset West. Agree?"
Tongo: "Correct."
Van Zyl: "Where does Mr. Mbolombo get this story? The accused will say the same thing."
Tongo: "I don't know where Monde gets that from."
Van Zyl: "Let's turn to your meeting that Saturday (with Qwabe & Mngeni). What happened that day?"
Tongo: "Went to Eersteriver to my mom, went to look for my pastor, then went to Spra. I might have started with Qwabe, then my friend, then mother and pastor
Van Zyl: "Ok, so you're a bit confused with the chronology."
Tongo: "Yes because it's long time ago."
Van Zyl: "We checked your cellphone activity and which base station. You were in Eersteriver much later.
But in the light of what you just said, it's not necessary."
Tongo: "Thank you, sir."
And that's it for today and the week for the Shrien Dewani trial.
The case has been adjourned for the day and won't sit again until Monday.
Today saw the third consecutive day of questioning for convicted taxi driver Zola Tongo.
Tongo told the court he put his job at risk by arranging the hit on Anni Dewani, and that the killing had 'caused him troubles'.
The 34-year-old - currently serving 18 years for his role in her death - was directly accused of lying by the defence team, for his account of what happened before Mrs Dewani's death.