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Warning bells during Abbott interview 0:18
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Durning an ABC interview, the Prime Minster Tony Abbott has overshaddowed by alarm bells going off behibd closed doors.
- news.com.au
- 04 Dec 2014
- News/Politics

PM Tony Abbott responds during Question Time in the House of Representatives, federal Parliament, Canberra. Source: News Corp Australia
PROMINENT ABC journalist Leigh Sales has been accused of being too soft on Prime Minister Tony Abbott on ABC’s 7.30 program as he hinted at a Cabinet reshuffle.
Her name started to immediately trend on Twitter as people criticised her interview claiming Abbott got an easy ride.
Sales was even compared to Karl Stefanovic who the public recently praised when he went head-to-head with Abbott on the Today Show.
ABBOTT UNDER FIRE: Karl Stefanovic grills PM
Who would have thought that Karl Stevanovic does has more hard hitting journalism than Leigh Sales LOL #abc730
— Peak Idiocracy (@geeksrulz) December 4, 2014
I wonder if @abc730 submitted questions to @TonyAbbottMHR before the interview. He got an amazingly easy ride from @leighsales #auspol
— Rob Walls (@Rob_Walls) December 4, 2014
And as predicted @leighsales gives Abbott the lightest and fluffiest of interviews. Allowing him to go on and on, no brakes applied #abc730
— Doc (@Doclach) December 4, 2014
During the interview, Abbott hinted at the possibility of a Cabinet reshuffle.
When pressed by Sales as to whether it was time to change the frontbench line-up Mr Abbott said, “At some stage between now and the next election, quite probably, but this is a good frontbench”.
Abbott went on to praise the work of his staff this year, including Foreign Minister Julie Bishop, Finance Minister Mathias Cormann and Treasurer Joe Hockey.
“Joe Hockey has been criticised lately, but I tell you what, I think Joe is going to be one of the great treasurers because he’s someone who bounces back and that’s what he’s doing now,” he said.
Earlier in the interview Sales questioned Abbott about his broken promises.
Is a Liberal reshuffle likely soon? 0:50
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Appearing on the ABC's 7:30 Report, Prime Minister Tony Abbott was asked as to the need for a front bench reshuffle.
- news.com.au
- 04 Dec 2014
- News/Politics
“You’ve got to remember Leigh that a lot’s happened in 12 or 14 months and circumstances do change,” he said citing the Budget deficit which is now at $48 billion which he blames on the previous government.
“People sure may well feel dismayed, disappointed, occasionally even surprised, but I think that they also understand that governments have to respond to the circumstances they find themselves in.”
Abbott said the task of budget repair has been tough with a “feral Labor party” but that the Government was determined to continue.
“It is absolutely necessary for our country’s future, for our children and our grandchildren's future that we don’t saddle them with mountains and mountains of debt,” he said.
He said the cries of broken promises have been largely unjustified.
Ironically, actual alarm bells started ringing in the building during the pre-recorded interview Sales did with Mr Abbott at Parliament House which sparked reaction from the Twittersphere.
Alarm bells are ringing Tony Abbott #abc730
— Sam Coffey (@SamCoffey) December 4, 2014
#abc730 was that the budget emergency alarm going off??
— Andrew Rothberg (@AndrewRothberg) December 4, 2014
Lie detector bell going off #abc730
— dylan behan (@dylabolical) December 4, 2014
Mr Abbott’s comments came after two weeks of internal dissent within Cabinet over the centralisation of power within the Prime Minister’s office, concerns at the reach and power of his Chief of Staff Peta Credlin, and stoushes between his office and senior ministers including Treasurer Joe Hockey and Foreign Minister Julie Bishop.
The latest came when it was revealed Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop reacted angrily after discovering Mr Abbott’s office had decided to send Trade Minister Andrew Robb to accompany her to a climate change conference in Peru next week.
The move was apparently designed to ensure Ms Bishop did not sign up to any far-reaching climate change initiatives.
It came 10 days after Treasurer Joe Hockey and Health Minister Peter Dutton reacted angrily after the Prime Minister’s office briefed journalists that the Government was set to dump the $7 GP co-payment.
Should Leigh Sales have been tougher on Tony Abbott in her interview? Comment below