Mike Myers Played Dr. Evil on Saturday Night Live to Talk About the Sony Hack: Watch Now!

Dec 21, 2014

Though Amy Adams was hosting the Dec. 20 episode of Saturday Night Live, the NBC sketch comedy show brought in the big guns to address the topic of the massive Sony hack and the terrorist threats accompanying it. 

In the show's cold open, Dr. Evil (played by beloved SNL alum Mike Myers) from the Austin Powers series interrupted "A Very Somber Christmas With Sam Smith" to talk about the headline-making leak that has distributed the personal information, emails, and salaries of thousands of Sony employees. 

Mike Myers played Dr. Evil on the Dec. 20 episode of Saturday Night Live.
Mike Myers played Dr. Evil on the Dec. 20 episode of Saturday Night Live.

While stroking a fake hairless cat -- aka Mr. Bigglesworth -- and wearing his signature Dr. Evil costume and makeup, Myers began, "I've preempted this program because I'm furious that Sony Pictures and North Korea have given evil a bad name."

Dr. Evil went on to throw in some jabs at North Korea, which has been linked to the hack, "Let's start with you, North Korea. You're one of the most evil countries in the world and your act of war is to kill a movie? It's easy to kill a movie. Just move it to January… Why pick on Sony? They haven't had a hit since the Walkman." 

It wasn't the only time the show referenced the hack. During the Weekend Update segment cast member Bobby Moynihan came on dressed as North Korean leader Kim Jong-un -- a role he has played several times on the show. Before he got a chance to do a bit about the holidays, several laser beans pointed right at his chest, and he jokingly hurried off camera claiming he was "Seth Rogen." 

Watch the clips now and tell Us what you think of how SNL handled coverage of the Sony hack! 

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