Sophie Daly had only had three drinks when her she felt 'uncontrollably drunk', and the 18-year-old continued to feel unwell for a fortnight

A teenager has urged people to be vigilant after she believes her drink was spiked, causing her to suffer violent convulsions.
Student Sophie Daly, 18, was out celebrating with members of her netball club when, after only a few drinks, she suddenly felt ‘uncontrollably’ drunk and was rushed to hospital by concerned friends.
The news comes just days after the parents of tragic 19-year-old Jane Khalaf, who died in Germany after a night out , said that she had been spiked.
Sophie, 18, who is studying at Huddersfield University, told the Huddersfield Examiner : “It was terrifying. I got home, felt and just couldn’t stop spasming.
“I lost control of my bladder, could hardly walk and my flat-mates said that my eyes and head kept rolling back.
“It was really out of character because I had just had three single shots and mixers throughout the whole night, something I am used to having once a week with the netball team.”
Her friends took her to Huddersfield Royal Infirmary by car, where her ordeal continued.
She said: “I was put in a wheelchair but just kept falling out. They took my blood pressure but didn’t do any blood or urine tests and left me alone in a room for an hour until my friends were allowed to come in.
“I wasn’t seen again by a nurse for another two hours and discharged me without seeing a doctor.
“But my vision was still blurred and I was still spasming -that didn’t stop for another four days.
“And I had to take two weeks off university to recover. I kept blacking out and felt really vacant. I struggled to hold conversations with anyone.”
She has submitted a complaint to the hospital about her treatment.
Sophie said: “I wish the hospital had done more to help and that I’d been assisted sooner.
“I understand that staff are busy but I feel like I wasn’t taken seriously. I think they just thought I was drunk, which made me quite angry.
“Some people may go to hospital and say they’ve been spiked when actually they’re drunk but surely it’s best to properly examine everyone to ensure that nothing serious has happened to them.”
She hopes that her story will encourage others to take care while celebrating during the festive period.
Sophie said: “I’m not doing this for attention, I just want people to take care while out because I wouldn’t want anyone else to have the same horrible experience.”
Director of Nursing at the hospital, Julie Dawes, said: “We are sorry if Ms Daly is unhappy with the care delivered by our A&E team.
“I have received her complaint this week and we are investigating the concerns she raised to ascertain whether there is any learning we can gain from this case.
“We will share our findings with her as soon as this is complete.”