From Adam Sandler to Kristen Stewart, the actors we can’t stand to watch on screen

Oct 31, 2014

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Nicolas Cage in Con Air. Look at that SHEER ACTING POWER.

Nicolas Cage in Con Air. Look at that SHEER ACTING POWER. Source: News Corp Australia

Adam Sandler signs Netflix deal 0:19

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Adam Sandler will star in four new movies for Netflix, in a huge coup for the streaming service. Courtesy Reuters

  • 03 Oct 2014
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EVERYBODY’S got one: that actor or actress who’s a total deal-breaker for you enjoying a film.

Maybe you think they’re wildly overrated. Maybe you think they’re not just that funny. Maybe (and we heard this response surprisingly often in our survey of the you just don’t like the look of their face.

Here are our own, individual picks for the actors who make us switch off. Who’s yours? Let us know in the comments section below.


Pictured: Adam Sandler and Adam Sandler. Honestly, does this man look like a try-hard to

Pictured: Adam Sandler and Adam Sandler. Honestly, does this man look like a try-hard to you? Source: Supplied

“Adam Sandler. Maybe it’s just me, but I find this so-called comedian one of the least humorous people in Hollywood. Oh, you’re doing a funny voice? Oh, you made a fart joke? Hilarious. In my opinion, Sandler’s movies, particularly of late, are lame, boring, try-hard films that show a man clearly past his prime desperately trying to stay relevant.”



Kristen Stewart’s acting has been called into question — but look at her here, emoting ri

Kristen Stewart’s acting has been called into question — but look at her here, emoting right into co-star Tayor Lautner’s chin. Source: Supplied

“Kristen Stewart does something really weird with her jaw and her tiny mouth that drives me crazy. I don’t know how to explain it, its like when she looks concerned her natural reaction is to stick out her jaw?”



Apparently, John Malkovich has a scary face. He’s crying on the inside.

Apparently, John Malkovich has a scary face. He’s crying on the inside. Source: News Limited

I can’t exactly explain why, but I don’t like watching anything with John Malkovich. Well actually, I know why: his face scares me.”



Jim Carrey, somebody stop him.

Jim Carrey, somebody stop him. Source: News Corp Australia

Ace Ventura fans will hunt me down for saying this but Jim Carrey really irks me. Liar Liar, Bruce Almighty, THE CABLE GUY? He’s like a one-trick pony and just about everyone is bored with his trick. Truth be told he’s irritated me since he played the green-faced creep in The Mask and everyone ran around school quoting, ‘Ohh, somebody stop me!’”



Nicolas Cage has Lego Man hair? What? Oh wait, we can totally see it.

Nicolas Cage has Lego Man hair? What? Oh wait, we can totally see it. Source: Supplied

“I just can’t watch Nicolas Cage. Is it just me? He’s been in fantastic movies — Face Off, Leaving Las Vegas, Bad Lieutenant, Con Air — but he (or is it his hair?) always reminds me of a Lego Man. Everything Is (not so) Awesome ...”



Mel Gibson and Jodie Foster, seen her making excellent choices.

Mel Gibson and Jodie Foster, seen her making excellent choices. Source: Supplied

“For me, it’s Mel Gibson — no matter what role he’s in, whenever he’s on screen I just see that sweaty, foul-mouthed drunk hot mess from that infamous arrest. It doesn’t help that he makes unwatchable films like The Beaver nowadays.”



Scarlett only plays buxom blondes? Rubbish! In The Avengers she was a buxom redhead!

Scarlett only plays buxom blondes? Rubbish! In The Avengers she was a buxom redhead! Source: Supplied

“When Scarlett Johansson is looking for roles to play does she just peruse scripts for the description ‘buxom, blonde who uses her pouty lips to lure unsuspecting man away from wife’? Because that is All. She. Does. I can predict the end to every movie she stars in: if Scarlett’s name appears in the credits you know it’s going to be her wooing a man whether she does it with a gun, in a superhero suit, with a tennis racket or behind a computer screen. I just can’t watch this story play out anymore!”



Jesse Eisenberg ... “Sophie said WHAT about me?”

Jesse Eisenberg ... “Sophie said WHAT about me?” Source: News Corp Australia

“Jesse Eisenberg from The Social Network. I don’t know why, but I can’t stand watching him. It’s his awkwardness or oversensitive voice or his self-righteousness or something. I really can’t put my finger on it but all I know is I won’t pick a movie if he’s in it. Am I a bad person? I’m sure he’s really great in real life.”

-Sophie (we wouldn’t be so sure about that, Soph)


Kirsten Dunst (centre), uncoordinated? Um, she played a cheerleader in Bring It On!

Kirsten Dunst (centre), uncoordinated? Um, she played a cheerleader in Bring It On! Source: News Limited

“Kirsten Dunst. She is just so ... uncoordinated.”

—Priscilla, keeping it short, sweet and slightly cryptic


Jai Courtney (centre): A big, bland hunk o’ beef.

Jai Courtney (centre): A big, bland hunk o’ beef. Source: Supplied

“Jai Courtney — Sam Worthington’s younger, blander sorta-doppelganger. I live in fear of the day a studio decides to make a buddy cop film staring Courtney and Worthington. The resulting vortex of blah would be strong enough to make the universe implode.”


So that’s us. Which actor are you allergic to? Let us know in the comments below.

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