Drunk women forced holiday flight emergency landing after drinking, abusing staff and smoking at 30,0000ft

Nov 6, 2014


Two women jetting off on holiday to Tunisia forced a New Year's Eve flight to make an emergency landing due to their drunken behaviour.

Serena Meade and Karen Wildman caused misery to other passengers by abusing staff, swigging from a bottle of Malibu and even lighting a cigarette.

Their antics were so bad the captain diverted the plane to Lyon and had them removed from the plane, delaying the flight four hours and costing British Airways more than £4,500.

The out-of-control pair also hid inside toilets, swore in front of children and were aggressive towards air crew.

Both women were jailed for eight months at Lewes Crown Court last month after Meade admitted acting in a destructive manner on an aircraft and Wildman endangering the safety of an aircraft.

The details of their case have now emerged for the first time as judges at London's Criminal Appeal Court cut Meade's sentence to six months.

The court heard the friends were travelling on board a British Airways flight from Gatwick to Tunis for some winter sun on 31 December 2012, when they caused havoc.

Meade, 44, of Lakeside Drive, Cobham, Surrey, and Wildman, 51, of St Neots, Cambs, had both been drinking before boarding the plane.

Getty Old town: Sousse medina in Tunisia is a UNESCO World Heritage site
Holiday Destination: The two women had been travelling to Tunisia for some winter sun

Judge Alistair McCreath said there was an 'unpleasant scene' as the pair were asked to move from the seats they had chosen.

That was because Meade was in a wheelchair at the time and needed to be in the part of the plane reserved for disabled passengers.

He said the pair were 'much the worse for drink' and began behaving badly, being abusive to staff and upsetting other holidaymakers.

The judge added: "Passengers who were on their way to enjoy a winter holiday were affronted and disturbed by their behaviour."

When they were refused alcohol by staff, they opened a bottle of Malibu they had bought in duty free and swigged from that until it was confiscated.

Their behaviour was so appalling that one air hostess served them with a written warning - which they ripped up in front of her.

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Grounded Flight: The British Airways flight had to make an emergency landing in Lyon, France

They then followed her into the galley, where she was confronted and pushed, before hiding in a toilet cubicle - where Meade started smoking.

After seeing the drama unfold on CCTV from the cockpit, and hearing their raised voices, the captain took the decision they would have to be ejected from the plane and made an emergency detour to Lyon.

Meade and Wildman were handed over to French police before being flown back to the UK.

Judge McCreath said it was 'hardly surprising' the crown court judge sent both women to jail.

He added: "Their conduct was prolonged and caused distress to other passengers - not only by the delay and inconvenience, but also by the incidents themselves."

However, allowing Meade's appeal against the length of her jail term, he said her personal difficulties meant her sentence should be reduced.

Getty Old town: Sousse medina in Tunisia is a UNESCO World Heritage site
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