Sometimes even Steve Harvey can't keep it together. The Family Feud host stopped by Late Night on Monday, Nov. 17, and caught up with Seth Meyers about the worst and most hilarious answers he's heard on his competition show.
"One of my favorite things about you as a host on Family Feud is that you will have an honest reaction when people give terrible answers," Meyers, 40, told Harvey. "Sometimes you cannot make them feel good about their answer."
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Recalling his favorite flubs from the show, Harvey, 57, said. "The first craziest one I heard, and a lot of people saw it on YouTube, but, the question was, 'If a robber breaks into the house, what's the most unexpected thing he would hate to run into?'"
"You're thinking, you know, an owner with a gun, you're thinking a dog… this country dude goes 'Buzz… A naked grandma!'" Harvey explained. "You just go 'What… what did… what… why is that your answer? Your family trying to win $20,000 and how the hell you think you're gonna win it with naked grandma? What are the chances of seeing somebody's grandmama naked when you break in the house and why is that a concern of yours?'"
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Harvey, who has been hosting the syndicated series since 2010, went on to recall another unexpected answer.
"It was a family on there from Chicago and the question was, 'Name a word or phrase that begins with pork,'" the comedian reminisced. "And the dude, when I went up to him, he was a dude named Lunatic, he was a rapper, and I was looking at him, so I said, 'Now Lunatic, name a word or phrase that begins with pork."
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"He said, 'I got this Steve, I got this all day,'" Harvey continued. "I said, 'What is it?' He said, 'Alright, cupine.' Pork-cupine is not a damn word. Pork is not a part of cupine!"
Watch Harvey recall his wildest moments, including the most epic Fast Money fail, in the video above!