Why has Stephen Fry quit Twitter? Comedian signs off for a MONTH saying it's 'unsafe' to tweet

Nov 6, 2014

The comedian posted a farewell tweet to his followers, saying he'd be back in December - but where is he going?

Stephen Fry has quit Twitter for a month, saying he's having to take a break because he's been advised it would be 'unsafe' for him to tweet from now on.

The comedian posted a cryptic farewell message to his 7.8million followers, saying he's beginning filming and he won't be able to update his social media page until December - for safety reasons.           

How mysterious.

He wrote: "Closing down on Twitter while filming. In a place whence I've been advised it is safest not to tweet. See you December. Here goes..."

Closing down on Twitter while filming. In a place whence I've been advised it is safest not to tweet. See you December. Here goes...

— Stephen Fry (@stephenfry) November 6, 2014

Of course this has sparked all kinds of excitement from fans, as they discuss what the actor could be up to.

One wrote: "Hope it goes well… tweeting can indeed be dangerous," while some have questioned if he's going to a dangerous area of the world, adding: "TAKE CARE AND LOOK AFTER YOURSELF!"

More reckon he's secretly started filming on Star Wars. Which would be pretty incredible.

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It comes just a month after the comic admitted his self-esteem is at “absolute zero” despite continuing in a successful career.

The TV star has battled with depression for much of his life, and asked on Australian TV about his self-esteem, he replied: “Oh, its absolute zero because I’m a complete w*****, and an a***hole.

"You think about death all the time even when you are not feeling suicidal. You are constantly aware of death, your own death and how welcome it would be.

“It won’t leave you it’s always there niggling away."


Speaking on Channel 7’s Sunday Night, QI host Fry also discussed his previous heavy cocaine use.

He said: “I took to it because I’ve never hated any person or anything as much as I hate parties and I discovered it was the only way I could survive them.

"I would disappear to the men’s room and come back with a refresher up my nose and then I could just talk and talk and talk, smile, and smile, and smile, and laugh, and laugh, and laugh.”

We have contacted Stephen's reps for comment.

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