Mother charged after hiding disabled daughter's corpse in FRIDGE for six months

Dec 6, 2014

Amber Keyes, 35, has been charged with neglect after doctors said she died of 'malnutrition' and 'dehydration'

A mother has been charged with neglect after she stuffed her nine-year-old disabled daughter's emaciated corpse into her fridge and left it there for six months.

The grisly discovery was made by her other child and a friend who went rummaging through the fridge's crisper drawer looking for cheese sticks to snack on.

Amber Keyes, 35, faces a charge of injury to a child for allowing the girl - who suffered from cerebral palsy and weighed just 14 pounds - to die, the Houston Chronicle reports.

The mother, of Houston, Texas, is said to have found her daughter 'not breathing' in January, and when CPR failed she panicked, wrapped her in a blanket, and put her in the fridge.

The body of 9-year-old Ayahna Comb, who had cerebral palsy, was found in the refridgerator of her mother, Amber Keye's, Houston apartment
Tragic: Ayahna Comb, who had cerebral palsy, was found in her mother's fridge

Her daughter Ayahna Comb couldn't eat, speak or move without a wheelchair and a cause of death was given as malnutrition and dehydration.

Keyes said that her daughter was 'always difficult to feed', especially towards the end of January this year - around the time she is believed to have died.

However, Keyes admitted to not having taken the girl to see a doctor in two years and had even continued to collect state handouts in her name.

Although she has not being charged with little Ayahna's murder, the allegation in official court documents state: "By not providing the proper parental care or seeking medical and/or professional assistance for [Comb's] condition, the defendant caused injury to [Comb] by omission, which led to the death of [Comb] due to neglect."

HCSO Amber Keyes
Charged: The child's mother, Amber Keyes

Ayahna's father, Armand Comb, who didn't live with the family, said that he last saw his daughter two months before her body was discovered.

Speaking to KHOU in June, he said: "'Last time I saw her, she was looking good. It looked like she was gaining weight. Her cheeks were kind of fat. I would never, never suspect that.

"I just want to know what happened man, why? I was right here I would've helped. I would've done anything."

HCSO Amber Keyes
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